The Door

Feature · Fantasy · 101 pages
Status: Spec
A lonely, undocumented Nepali man stuck in the US, longing to go home for his beloved sister's wedding, discovers a mysterious door at his Oakland gas station workplace that teleports him to his hometown. He reunites with family and friends, only to find people on both sides want to cross over.
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4 Accolades

1 Writer

Los Angeles, California
Rajendra Thakurathi is a Nepali writer-director based in Los Angeles. He got his early storytelling roots from Pixar, BuzzFeed, and The New York Times. His first feature film, Six Feet, was executive produced by Adam Somer (Monkeyman, Ghostbusters: Afterlife). His latest mockumentary short, Impulses, was released through Omeleto. He has a knack ...
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