Look Out! It's the Lumber Man!
Look Out! It's the Lumber Man!
· Horror · 1 pages
Two siblings face the aftermath of their friend returning to their campsite without his body intact.
Written by
Kabrien Gathers
1 Accolade
Accolade Highlights
Silver Nib Winner,
Let's Make It! - LET'S MAKE IT! Screenwriting Contest 2023-2024
1 Writer
Bronx, New York
As a child, Kabrien often played by himself which left him alone with his thoughts. When it was time to put those original ideas on paper, his 4th grade teacher believed he plagiarized another's work. That's when Kabrien knew he was good at writing. Over the years he'd decided to hone his talent which led to him graduating with honors in creative wr...
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