Currently Closed. Subscribe to receive a notification when the next season opens.
bst Cinema Collective
Season One
Active Since 2023
Currently Closed. Subscribe to receive a notification when the next season opens.



The screenwriting community is vast and powerful. Barnstorm Media seeks to unlock that power. We've seen the generosity and the encouragement of the screenwriting community. We're here to help the screenwriting community make a film together. We're the facilitators, but this is your film.

There are no more guardians at the gate!

The guidelines are simple:

​- Submit your screenplay to bst Cinema Collective. 

- Barnstorm Media selects the top ten screenplays.

- The writers of the top ten screenplays vote on the winner.

- The winner receives 100% of the funds raised via the feedback fee.

- It's time to make the movie!

- The remaining finalists become co-producers. 

- And everyone that submits receives a share of the film.

- Collaboration is encouraged and will be facilitated by Barnstorm Media.

- Next it's Pre-production, Shooting, Post-production, and the Premiere!​

Still have questions? Great! Check out our FAQ.


One Grand Jury Prize winner will have their script produced!

The other nine finalists will be made co-producers.

Every submission receives a share (or percentage of a share) of the final project.

Barnstorm's actionable and constructive feedback is also available. 


Sep 30th
Grand Jury Prizes



1. Screenplays must be in English and properly formatted according to industry standards. Scripts must be submitted as PDFs. 


2. Scripts submitted to the competition must NOT have been previously optioned, purchased or produced at the time of entry. Spec scripts for existing shows and film properties are not accepted.


3. Barnstorm Media's decisions are final.

4. In the event of multiple writers, list all additional co-writers on title page. Please NOTE: Barnstorm Media divides awards equally among co-writers.


I have read all of bst Cinema Collective's rules and regulations, including those included in the FAQ. I understand and have complied with these rules.

I understand that if awarded, I have seven days to claim my prize, after which the prize is voided.

I understand that failure to adhere to bst Cinema Collective's rules will result in disqualification.

I am the sole owner and author of the submitted material.

The winner is set to receive 100% of the feedback fees that Barnstorm Media acquires. Some fees instituted from submission platforms or banking institutions may apply.

Barnstorm Media is under no obligation to provide additional funds for the winning project.

Barnstorm Media is under no obligation to provide additional support or labor for the project.

The completion of the project is the sole responsibility of the winning author(s).

Furthermore, I indemnify Barnstorm Media, its affiliates, sponsors and judges of and from any and all claims, loss or liability that may be asserted against you or incurred by you or any associates, at any time in connection with said material.

Please visit our FAQ for further clarification:

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Season One