Industry Mandates

Industry mandates are an essential part of the Hollywood film development system and one of the most common ways for professional writers to get work. Coverfly is taking the model used by studios and opening it up to Coverfly writers.

Here are active industry mandates from top studios, showrunners, producers, agents, and managers looking for specific material. Submit your projects for consideration. Learn More.
New this week

Digital Studio seeking Romantic/Soapy Dramas and Thrillers

An innovative digital studio working in the vertical short space (think Instagram Reels) is looking for Romantic Dramas, Soapy Dramas and Thrillers targeting female, YA audiences. Features and pilot submissions do not have to fit their typical structures, but writers will be asked to adapt their scripts. Preferred themes include Billionaires, Werewolves, Intense Romance, CEO’s, Marriage, Mafia, and Intense Drama.

For more information about the production company and the source material, please log in to Coverfly and apply.
Submit Project
Submit by Aug 02, 2024
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