Death to Cinema
Death to Cinema
· Comedy · 92 pages
Status: Spec
Desperate for money to buy a new board, a surfer gets a job at a cinema where he’s drawn into the horrors of the film industry and a plot to kill a famous writer, forcing him to question his peaceful 'code of the surf'
Written by
John Mahony
2 Accolades
Accolade Highlights
1 Writer
South West Rocks, New South Wales, AU
John is a twice-optioned contest-winner doing original takes on highly commercial genres, often with social/political subtext. More info is on IMDb.
Additional Project Info
Made the top-10 scripts in Emerging Screenwriters Comedy Screenplay Competition. Semi-finalist in Table Read My Screenplay contest Death to Cinema is designed to be a low-budget absurd comedy with potential to generate cult success. Set in Sydney, but with American, Irish and English characters as well as Australian, it could also be set in Los Angeles.