Game of Homes

Television (One-hour) · Comedy · 32 pages
Status: Spec
An eager young Realtor navigates the high-flying fast-moving world of Los Angeles Real estate and the eclectic bunch that comes with it as her Diva Long time Realtor Boss hangs on by a thread to the top and deals with ageing out. What price are we all prepared to pay for success?
Written by Wendy Wilkins and Anthony Wemyss
top 21%
of discoverable projects on Coverfly
2 Accolades

2 Writers

West Hollywood, CA
Wendy's early career as a policewoman, dealt with a wide range of humanity, major crimes, domestic violence , carrying a Smith & Wesson ’38. Wendy’s first film, ”Big Bully Bank" smashed festival circuit, awards, screened at The Occupy Sundance FF.  Wendy just directed her award winning screenplay feature , Alone Today./ Death on the Border no...
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Anthony Wemyss
No bio available.

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Teaser available Series Bible available Co-writer