Ben Johnson Day

Television (One-hour) · Drama · 46 pages
Status: Spec
When Ben Johnson's Deaf father, Winston, faces deportation, Ben embarks on an identity journey to emerge as Yaaba Anokye, the Deaf barrister.
Written by Kerena Marchant
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5 Accolades
Accolade Highlights
Finalist, The Writers Lab UK & Europe 2021
Finalist, WeScreenplay Diverse Voices Lab Spring 2022

1 Writer

Dorking, Surrey, GB
Kerena is a Deaf, Iranian producer/writer/director who explores human rights and human emotions in her dramas. She often writes in BSL, a language with no written form and translates into English. An award winning producer/director.

Additional Project Info

Finalist in the UK and Ireland Writers Lab 2021 Quarter Finalist in the Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards Nominated for a Fresh Voices Humanitarian and Diversity Award Finalist in the EdiPlay International Film Festival Finalist, The Swedish International Film Festival Winner, the South Coast Film Festival Winner, Pinnacle Film Festival Winner, One Race, Human Race Film Festival Quarterfinialist We Screenplay TV Pilot Shortlisted, Screen and Story Film Festival Winner, Beyond The Curve Film Festival Winner, Best Script Award Winner, British Urban Film Festival (BUFF) Table read December 2021