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The Women's List
The Women's List
Reads in Coverfly
Active Since 1
The Women’s List is not a contest; it’s a treasure hunt. We’re looking for as many outstanding scripts written by women as we can find.
Accepting Features and TV Pilots
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Late Deadline is 1 week and 6 days from now


What if we could take control of our own careers? Get our scripts to the producers, directors and actors who could never before find exactly the kinds of scripts they want?


For some time, a group of writers, directors, producers, and actors has been working on a way to bypass industry gatekeepers and give women writers the attention they deserve. We’re proud to say we’re finally ready to launch The Women’s List.


Once each year, The Women’s List will solicit scripts from women writers (blind submissions) for both feature scripts and original television pilots.

The critical thing is that this is not just another contest; it’s a treasure hunt. We won’t limit ourselves to one “winner” or even half a dozen; we’re looking for as many outstanding scripts written by women as we can find. The final count could be 3 or 300.


Each script will be read by entertainment industry veterans, including writers, producers, directors, and actors.


The scripts don’t have to portray all women in a positive light or pass the Bechdel test; they just have to be great stories well told by women writers.


Our goal is to become the go-to resource for overlooked writers and their stories and for the producers, actors, and directors looking to discover them. Most important, we want to change the narrative that women writers are less accomplished than their male counterparts and their stories less significant. Through those stories, we hope we’ll also create new role models for girls and women across the globe.


Prices & Deadlines

May 31st
Feature Screenplay
1/2 Hour Television Pilot
One-Hour Television Pilot


We believe being recognized by The Women’s List will lend a permanent cachet to the chosen writers and significantly boost their careers.


To make it easy to find the scripts that make the cut, we'll feature them  on The Women’s List website. It will include loglines, synopses, script coverage and contact information for the writers so producers, directors, etc. can easily reach out to them.

We’ll promote The Women’s List on all available traditional media and social media venues. Among them, Facebook, Instagram, BlueSky, etc.

We plan to host professional gatherings that will connect the chosen writers to the people who can put their scripts into production, schedule table reads, and produce any other events that can further our goals of increasing the participation of women in the entertainment industry.


Jul 15th


All genres of screenplays or television pilots are welcome but they must be written in English by a female-identifying writer or team or be translated to English. The scripts must be blind (no identifying material except the title on the cover page- not your name or your representative) and in standard screenplay or TV format. Screenplays must be 120 pages or less. Television pilots must be 65 pages or less for a one-hour pilots, 45 pages or less for 1/2 hour pilots.