The bi-annual 2025 Script Pipeline Pitch Contest is searching for original feature film and TV series ideas to be developed into screenplays and pilots—higher-concept stories, across any genre, that could fit in the current landscape.
One Grand Prize Winner is chosen to receive $2,500 and additional long-term assistance with our in-house creative execs to help develop the script from the ground up. When the work is ready for circulation, we send to specific producers and reps who might align with the material.
All writers retain the rights to their pitch and script.
*NOTE: as this competition is focused on developing scripts one-on-one with film and TV writers, only submit pitches. Completed scripts may be entered in other Pipeline competitions, including First Look, Screenwriting, or TV Writing.
Prices & Deadlines
Apr 24th
Jun 20th
Jun 30th
Jul 10th
Extended / Final
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Pitch Entry
Pitch Entry + Feedback

2024 (Winter/Spring) Winner on Coverfly
Script Pipeline's criteria is based primarily on the overall originality and relevancy of the concept, preferably hitting a "Goldilocks zone" between commercial/mainstream and something wholly new and different.
We're open to all types of pitches across any genre. Keep in mind, movie and TV entries compete against one another, so if you aren't sure what medium your idea fits best, that's okay.
In the past, selected ideas have ranged from lower-budget indies, to big-budget studio films, to animation, biopics, true stories, weird experimental stuff, and high-concept, mainstream genre material. Anything that feels fresh and universally appealing is fair game.
We highly recommend writers submit more detailed summaries spotlighting the elements that make your project distinct: why this concept, why these themes, and in many cases regarding stories in the public domain or "lower concept" pitches, why you, the writer, are most apt to write that story and what singular vision you can offer.
Oftentimes the concept comes across best in the form of a pitch deck, but that's not a requirement.
- - A sample of your writing is preferred but not required (3-5 script pages; any script, does not have to be the script based on your submission).