Jan 15th
Early Entry
Feb 15th
Regular Entry
Mar 15th
Late Entry
Apr 15th
Last Minute Entry
PAGE Awards
PAGE International Screenwriting Awards Competition
Active Since 2003
Hollywood's favorite screenwriting contest! Presenting over $50,000 in Cash & Prizes to talented new writers across the country and around the world.
Accepting Features, TV Pilots, Shorts, and Web Series
Enter Now
Last Minute Entry Deadline is 3 weeks and 1 day from now


The PAGE International Screenwriting Awards competition was founded in the fall of 2003. Our goal? To discover the most exciting new scripts by up-and-coming writers from across the country and around the world. And due to the success of our winning writers, the PAGE Awards contest has become one of the industry's most highly respected sources for new screenwriting talent, both within the Hollywood community and internationally.

Each year our Judges read and evaluate all the contest submissions, searching for the best new screenplays and teleplays, and in the fall of each year we present Gold, Silver, and Bronze Prizes in each of our ten genre categories – plus our huge $25,000 Grand Prize.

Most importantly,  over the past 20 years the PAGE Awards contest has helped launch the careers of many dozens of talented screenwriters. Our winning writers have signed with top literary representatives, optioned and sold their winning scripts, landed paid writing assignments, and many now have movies and television shows in production, on the air, and in theaters.

Prices & Deadlines

Apr 15th
Last Minute Entry
PAGE Awards Entry (Feature Film Script)
PAGE Awards Entry with Feedback (Feature Film Script)
PAGE Awards Entry (TV Pilot)
PAGE Awards Entry with Feedback (TV Pilot)
PAGE Awards Entry (Short Film Script)
PAGE Awards Entry with Feedback (Short Film Script)


In just a few short months, the PAGE Judges will once again present 31 Awards to some of the most talented new screenwriters from across the country and around the world.  All told, our winning writers will receive over $50,000 in Cash and Prizes, including a $25,000 Grand Prize, plus Gold, Silver, and Bronze Prizes in ten different genre categories.

Most importantly, in association with our co-sponsors InkTip, Roadmap Writers, VPF and Stage 32, we will actively publicize and promote your winning script, giving you a shot at the ultimate prize: the chance to get your screenplay produced!


In the Final Round of competition, from all of the Finalists in all ten genre categories, the Judges will select our Grand Prize Winner, who will receive:

$25,000 Cash
InkTip Promo Package
Roadmap Writers Promo Package
Stage 32 Promo Package
10 Free Pitches on VPF
Gift Certificates: Amazon, Office Depot, Starbucks
Nostos Screenwriting Retreat Fellowship

The Judges will also present Gold, Silver, and Bronze Prizes in each of our ten genre categories. The winners will receive:

$1,000 Cash
InkTip Promo Package
Roadmap Writers Promo Package
Stage 32 Promo Package
3 Free Pitches on VPF
Gift Certificates: Amazon, Office Depot, Starbucks

$500 Cash
InkTip Promo Package
Roadmap Writers Promo Package
Stage 32 Promo Package
3 Free Pitches on VPF
Gift Certificates: Amazon, Office Depot, Starbucks

$250 Cash
InkTip Promo Package
Roadmap Writers Promo Package
Stage 32 Promo Package
3 Free Pitches on VPF
Gift Certificates: Amazon, Office Depot, Starbucks

If you win this year’s contest, a press release introducing you and your script will be sent to our list of industry contacts, including over 5,000 Hollywood agents, managers, producers, and executives. Any and all inquiries from this media blitz will be sent directly to you or your designated representative, so you will be able to communicate personally with these industry execs. In addition, winners will receive promotional services from Roadmap Writers, InkTip, Stage 32 and VPF.









Zero Gravity

Echo Lake

Good Fear

Writer Success

There are tons of writing competitions out there and some are way better than others. I believe this is one of the good ones. It's well-run, the feedback I've received has been helpful and fair and PAGE always announces placements and winners on the days they promise to, something that's important to me. Some of the most prestigious competitions have recently struggled to do that. It's also a good competition because of the genre breakdowns -- dramas compete against dramas, comedies against comedies, etc. -- so it's a more level playing field, at least until that final grand prize level. I have had successes in this competition in the past and it led to read requests and manager inquiries and even helped me land my first manager. Of course, your mileage may vary, but I have had nothing with good experiences from the PAGE folks. The entry fees are pretty reasonable, too -- especially if you enter early.
Jeffrey Field
2021 Finalist
Winning the 2021 PAGE Grand Prize wasn't only a tremendous honor, it was also an opportunity to interact with an exceptional team of people who are as kind and generous as they are successful. The organizers are outstandingly thoughtful, communicative, and genuinely committed to their participants, and their industry collaborators are truly remarkable as well. In my experience, the PAGE Award is an authentic and humanizing venue that champions creatives and their work.
A. J. Bermudez
2021 Grand Prize Winner
competition insights image
Coverfly Program Insights
Coverfly vets all programs on its platform, but not every program is right for every writer. Program Insights help you decide where to submit your work.

2024 Winner on Coverfly

Top 2%
Feature  · Horror  · 107 Pages
No exorcism has ever truly succeeded, and a bereaved father sets out to finish with the Church started - by hunting down and killing anyone who's ever been possessed. Only the hunter soon becomes the hunted.
Culver City, CA
I'm an FX Supervisor who's been working on features and episodics for ten years. Post production's been a swell time, but my heart has always been in the stories, and I'd like to tell my own.
See Other Placements


Aug 15th
Sep 15th
Oct 15th


Before you enter the PAGE Awards competition, please review these rules and guidelines. Any submission that does not comply with contest rules may be disqualified.


1. All writers of submitted material must be 18 years of age or older on the date of submission, and each writer or writing team may not have earned more than $50,000 or the foreign equivalent (jointly or individually) for work as a screenwriter and/or fictional television writer.

2. Writers who reside in countries other than the United States are welcome to enter the contest; however, all scripts must be submitted in English and entry fees must be paid in U.S. dollars. Entry in the competition is void where prohibited by law.

3. Judges, sponsors, administrators, and independent contractors who currently or have previously worked with or for the PAGE International Screenwriting Awards or Production Arts Group are not eligible to enter the competition, nor are their spouses or other immediate family members.

4. Scripts must be the original work of the author(s) and on the date of submission must be wholly owned and controlled by the author(s). If a script has been sold, is currently under option, is being produced, or is in any other way encumbered by a third party on the date of submission, the script is not eligible for an award. If a script is optioned, sold, or produced after it has been entered, it will remain eligible for this year’s contest.

5. Only original screenplays and teleplays are eligible for awards. Novels, short stories, stage plays, treatments, synopses, reality show concepts and spec scripts for existing TV series are not eligible. Scripts that have previously won a Grand, Gold, Silver or Bronze Prize in the PAGE Awards competition are also ineligible.

6. Adaptations of books, plays, or other source material written by another author are not eligible under any circumstances. A script that has been adapted from your own book, play, or other source material is eligible provided that you have retained all film and television rights to the property.

7. Submissions and entry fees must be postmarked or transmitted electronically on or before 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the Early, Regular, Late, or Last Minute Entry deadline in order to qualify for those entry rates. Any script submitted after the Final Entry Deadline will be disqualified.

8. The contest and its administrators are not responsible for submissions or entry fees that are lost, stolen, or damaged in transit, and we cannot return scripts once they have been submitted.

9. Once a script has been entered in the competition, under no circumstances will we accept substitutions of new drafts or corrected pages. If you wish to submit a revised draft of your screenplay, you must enter it as a new submission and pay the appropriate entry fee. (PLEASE NOTE: As a special courtesy, writers who advance to the Semi-Final Round of competition will be invited to send us the latest draft of their script for the final two rounds of judging free of charge.)

10. Decisions of the Judges are final and may not be disputed. Our Judges are instructed and agree to evaluate scripts based on our standard Judging Procedure; however, the PAGE Awards contest and its administrators may not be held responsible for any errors or omissions on the part of the Judges.


Below are some important formatting and submission instructions. Though your script will not be disqualified if it deviates from these standards, in order to maximize your chances of success, we strongly recommend that you follow these guidelines.

FORMAT: Scripts should be written in standard spec screenplay or teleplay format, set in 12-point Courier font.

PAGE COUNT: Scripts should be standard length and pages should be numbered.

Full-Length Features: 80-120 pages
Short Film Scripts: under 30 pages
TV Pilots: 30-75 pages

Scripts that are a few pages longer or shorter than these recommended lengths will be accepted, but we do not accept scripts that exceed 135 pages.

TITLE PAGE: Since our judging process is anonymous, please include ONLY the title of your script on your title page. If you like, you may also include your WGA registration number, but that is not required. When we receive your entry we will assign your script a number and our Judges will identify your screenplay solely by its title and script number. Under no circumstances should you include your name or contact information anywhere within the body of your script.