CALL FOR SCRIPTS– www.NewMediaFilmFestival.com
New Media Film Festival® the film festival you’ll want to enter.Pushing the envelope is a big deal in the film industry but telling the same old stories will not get your name out there. You have to innovate and tell a new story. If this sounds like you, then the New Media Film Festival® is the perfect place to showcase your script. HBO has requested meetings with writers who have submitted to our festival.
More About the Festival. Honoring stories worth telling June 4-5 2025 in Los Angeles CA. The rationale behind the festival is clear. New Media Film Festival® continues to show its lasting power and potential to evolve - there is scope for truly groundbreaking and compelling work in the world of storytelling. The festival is designed to both discover and cultivate highly creative work from emerging and seasoned content creators.Your innovation will not go unnoticed. In fact, it will be seen by judges from Springer Publishing, Simon & Schuster, ABC, Marvel, PBS, HBO, BBC, Rolling Stone, the Television Academy and more.
Call for Scripts! All types and lengths considered in Script Category.
Animation – Book - Children’s – Comedy – Drama – Documentary – Episodic - Long Form - New Media – Novel – Pilot – Play – Screenplay - Scripted Reality – Series – Television – Videogame - Web Series and more.
Festival Awards/Perks:
· In competition for
Grand Prize - $45,000 in Awards
Meetings with HBO, Marvel
Studio time in Los Angeles CA
Post Production from Mongo Media Solutions
Casting & Production Services – Select Services Films Inc.
·Best Script &Top 3 Scripts get read by HBO and receive Scriptreaderpro.com coverage ($169.00 value)
Even if you win Top 3 Scripts and/or Best Script, you are still considered for Grand Prize Award $45,000.00
·Script nominees are listed on screen during programming
·And you are part of the Q & A in that session.
·Walk the Red Carpet for Press Interviews
·Be part of the VIP Soiree, honoring the nominees.
·Highlighted in Press
International Press Releases
Mentions in our social media (20M reach over all platforms combined)
To 80,000 monthly newsletter subscribers include a global audience of industry people with the power to get a script into serious consideration for production.
Our successful Producer Panel & Pitching is now available online. You must own the rights to what you pitch. Our pitches have led to meetings with Execs from BBC, Warner, Sneak Preview, Qualcomm, Samuel Goldwyn Films, Lighthouse, and more. We strategize & pitch up to 2 Execs. If interested we connect you and are no longer involved. If no we send you why. To hear pitching tips from Execs click here ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3r19bfbegc).
One Page Feedback - Scripts
Writers asked for it, now we have added it. If you submit in our Script category and would like one-page notes/feeback, please choose this option as well. This gives you an inside look into what your script is really conveying to an Industry.
Previous Script Winners.
2024 - Best Script - The Isthmus by Jeff Osborne
2023—Best Script – The Path of Least Regret by Brian Gene White
2022—Best Script – Forgotten Christmas by Ash Gilpin
2021 – Best Script – Peach Blossom by Cheng Yang
2020 – Best Script – The Real Thing by Matthew Papadopoulos
2019 – Best Script – Poughkeepsie by Joe Kelly
2018 – Best Script – Rust by Justin Moran
2017 – Best Script – Render by Kirill Kiselev
Plenty of time to join the fun.
your entry in early, use code WOW to save 20%
Put your innovative work forward and join the unique community of content
creators at New Media Film Festival® - submit today! https://www.newmediafilmfestival.com/submit/
What others are saying.
“Worth The Entry Fee”
- Movie
Maker Magazine
“Makes The Cutting Edge Accessible”
Huffington Post
“I thank NewMediaFF for what they’ve done for
young filmmakers”
” The role of this fest is bringing the Best in
New Media to the World”
“Stories that exemplify the power of the cinematic arts to inspire and transform” - Hero Complex – The Los Angeles Times
Prices & Deadlines
Apr 6th
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SCRIPT - All types and lengths considered in Script Category. Animation – Book - Children’s – Comedy – Drama – Documentary – Episodic - Long Form - New Media – Novel – Pilot – Play – Screenplay - Scripted Reality – Series – Television – Videogame - Web S
SCRIPT & 1 PAGE FEEDBACK (see script description above)
PITCH -We strategize & pitch up to 2 Execs. If interested we connect you and are no longer involved. If no we send you why.

- All Nominees in competition for Grand Prize $45,000.00 in awards.
- Meetings with HBO, Marvel (priceless)
- Studio time in Los Angeles CA
- Casting & Production Services – Select Services Films Inc.
- Optional Distribution Offer
- Post Production Mongo Media Solutions
- Custom hand painted wood film slate
- and below
- Creative Handbook
- And are still considered for Grand Prize Award $45,000
- Custom hand painted wood film slate
- Filmustage Package
- Script Reader Pro Package
- Scriptwriters Network Package
- Awards valid 1 year from festival date, non-transferable
PERKS- All-Access Pass to Director aka Nominee
- Walk the Eco-friendly Step & Repeat
- Nominee Q & A at end of screening session
- Be a guest of honor at the VIP Soiree
- Highlighted in International Press
- Mentions in our Social Media (20M reach over all platforms combined)
- Cast & Crew listed online!
- Guest discount code for 2 week window
- In our 80,000 subscriber newsletter
Our global audience of Industry people with the power to get content into serious consideration for production.
- IMDB Official Event
- Member UFFO Code of Practices for Film Festivals
- Submissions have opportunities outside of the festival process
- 20M reach over all SM combined
- 80,000 newsletter subscribers
- Submissions = distribution consideration
- Winner Best Festival 2021-2024 from Global Awards & Innovation Awards
- About Us page = the Industry Leaders that are part of our team
- Judges from Marvel, HBO, PBS, Rolling Stone, BBC, EMMYS, BMI, Grammys, Simon & Schuster and more Industry Leaders
- All-Access Pass to Director aka Nominee

15 Official Selections on Coverfly
You must own the rights to what you submit. We suggest you register with US copyright office. Sorry, no refunds.
By submitting, the entrant shall release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless New Media Film Festival®, and its agents, respective officers, directors, employees, representatives, contractors, venues, partners, sponsors, and volunteers from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including, without limitations, attorneys' fees). You agree to be bound by these guidelines and the decisions of the judges, which are final and binding in all respects and to waive any right to claim ambiguity in the awards or the rules. By submitting, the submitter constitutes that the entrants information is true and correct and agrees to all competition rules and guidelines. Disclaimer: If any categories submissions does not receive high enough scores from our screening committee, New Media Film Festival® has the right to discontinue any category for a particular festival.
Once our notification date passes a title will no longer be able to withdraw from the festival.
Submission/Entry Process -
Up to 3 people review/screen your content based on story, production
value, New Media. If 2-3 of the screeners approve of your content based
on our criteria: story, production value, a snippet of new media, you
are accepted in to the festival.
Judging Process -
If your content gets accepted into the festival, the New Media Film
Festival team will choose the top 3 in each category. Those top 3
chosen in each category go before our judges to choose the category
winners and the Grand Prize Winner. Please note, each category has a
Best Of Winner.
We communicate via email
Once accepted/selected into festival you will need to send the
deliverables requested in order to be programmed. We will contact you
via FilmFreeway and one of our @newmediafilmfestival.com emails.
We will notify you via email if you are accepted into the festival.
Please add info (at) newmediafilmfestival (dot) com to your contacts
list to assure you receive our emails.
We are proud to be able to move all kinds of content forward, to be seen, screened and monetize.
Sorry, no refunds.
Thanks for submitting.
Rules of Conduct:
We ask that everyone—artists, audiences, volunteers, press,
industry, staff, board members, and beyond—maintain an environment that
is welcoming to all by being:
• Inclusive and respectful of people of every race, ethnicity,
gender identity/expression, disability, sexual orientation, nationality,
religion, age, physical appearance and body size, language spoken, and
immigration or economic status
• Intentional with your words and abstaining from hate speech of any
kind and abusive or offensive language or images, including the abuse
of chat or similar electronic communications
• Mindful of the personal space and boundaries of others by avoiding
unwelcome, unlawful attention, including sexual harassment and
harassment of any kind, stalking, and inappropriate physical contact of
any kind
• Respectful of moderators, artists, and audience members by
refraining from disruption of screenings, sessions, talks, or other
• Considerate of the health and safety of others by complying with
all COVID-19 requirements and all other health and safety protocols
The Code of Conduct covers all events and venues. We ask that any
person who witnesses or experiences a violation of this Code of Conduct
should immediately contact a NMFF staff member or email
safety@cafilm.org. Please bear in mind that notifying us does not
constitute or replace notifying law enforcement.
NMFF will review all incidents that violate our Code of Conduct in a
timely and equitable manner. We reserve the right to immediately
remove, and permanently ban, any person from an event or venue for
violations of this Code of Conduct, including revocation of membership,
tickets, passes and other privileges. (mvff)
Rules and regulations New Media Film Festival: Terms and Condition
Rules and regulations New Media Film Festival: By submitting your work
to the New Media Film Festival, you are agreeing to this statement. In
submitting this work, I am claiming that it is my own and that I hold
all necessary copyright or have the permission of the appropriate owners
of copyright to incorporate portions of their work. Yes, I am the
creator and author of the work submitted. In the event that my entry
contains the work of other individuals or organizations (including any
copyrighted photographs, musical compositions, etc.), I understand that
it is my responsibility to obtain any necessary permissions and/or
licenses. No
media/film accepted for programming can be pulled from the festival by
submitter or associates. New Media Film Festival does not check to make
sure that you have cleared these materials at any point during the
application process, nor will we be held responsible for any inclusion
of uncleared materials. It is the sole responsibility of
the entity submitting the project to secure permission from the
copyright holder of the material in question, whether it is music, stock
footage, or any other elements that could violate an existing
copyright. Quite often, rights holders offer reduced rates for festival
films, so you should contact them directly to avoid any possible rights
Submission fee is non refundable.
Creators retain the rights to their content. Nominee files are for festival purposes only.
No requirement for completed by date.
Projects may originate from anywhere in the world
No premiere requirement