Chinese in Entertainment
Los Angeles Chinese Film Festival Screenwriting Competition
Active Since 2021
The Los Angeles Chinese Film Festival Screenwriting Competition is an international competition looking for scripts in both English and Chinese.
Currently Closed. Subscribe to receive a notification when the next season opens.


Our inaugural Los Angeles Chinese Film Festival Screenwriting Competition (LACFFSC) is an international writing competition in both English and Chinese. We seek authentic voices and universal stories from all walks of life, and we especially welcome quality narratives that highlight and celebrate the culture, identity, and perspectives of the Chinese diaspora. In addition, our competition will be judged by an active and diverse panel of renowned screenwriters, producers,executives, professors, and directors. Our esteemed judges come from diverse backgrounds, and many have received prestigious accolades in Asia, North America, and Europe. 

We also hope to foster cultural exchange and celebrate cultural diversity through an annual Screenwriting Competition Summit that features industry panels, writer's workshops, pitch sessions, award ceremonies, and film screenings. We deeply believe that promoting diverse storytelling is one of the best vehicles to teach and generate empathy and compassion to combat racism, bigotry, and xenophobia.


6 cash prizes for the 2021 LACFFSC: 

  • Feature Film Script in English: $2,500 USD Cash Prize + Trophy
  • Feature Film Script in Chinese: $2,500 USD Cash Prize + Trophy 
  • Best TV Pilot Script in English: $1,800 USD Cash Prize + Trophy 
  • Best TV Pilot Script in Chinese: $1,800 USD Cash Prize + Trophy 
  • Best Short in English: $1,000 Cash Prize + Trophy 
  • Best Short in Chinese: $1,000 Cash Prize + Trophy 


Plus additional non-monetary awards such as honorable mentions by our sponsors and strategic partners. Last but not least, the finalists will have an exclusive opportunity to pitch their projects to our judges. 
competition insights image
Coverfly Program Insights
Coverfly vets all programs on its platform, but not every program is right for every writer. Program Insights help you decide where to submit your work.

2021 Winners on Coverfly

Top 11%
TV Script  · Historical  · 49 Pages
黔南, 贵州, CN
蒲岸,本名吴金锋。男,1965年9月出生。山东省作家协会会员。 1984年起从事诗歌、散文、短篇小说的创作。已出版长篇小说《红绫扇》,《梵天之眼》,《年画》等三部。其中,《红绫扇》获得第四届新浪原创文学大奖赛银奖。《梵天之眼》获得第三届腾讯作家杯文学大奖赛银奖,影视版权售与北京蒙氏影业。《年画》影视版权售与上海尚世影业。 2015年6月入职派乐影视传媒,为蒲岸工作室首席编剧。 2017年3月从派乐传媒离职。 现为独立写作者。
Top 1%
Feature  · Comedy  · 103 Pages
East Asian mythology speaks of fateful red threads that bind those destined for true love. Sleazing around in modern-day New York City, a Korean-American can see these strings, but she's about to meet someone outside of her fate — of any fate: a guy without a red string.
Los Angeles, CA
Repped at Entertainment 360. Austin Film Festival Winner & PAGE Finalist. I write rom-coms and thrillers. Definitely not both at the same time.
See Other Placements


Sep 30th
Oct 22nd
Nov 14th


At the program's request, Coverfly will automatically remove your title page for you if you include one when submitting to this program.


  • The applicant must be 18 years of age or older to enter.

  • Submission is open to applicants worldwide. However, all submitted scripts must be in either Chinese (Simplified or Traditional) or English.

  • Entries are accepted between April 23, 2021 and August 11, 2021 through receipts of the online application form. An invitation code is required for late submission after August 11, 2021. Deadlines close at 11:59PM PST.

  • All submissions must be accompanied by the appropriate submission fee PER ENTRY. Submission fees are non-refundable.

  • Contents related to or containing Chinese element(s) are most welcome and encouraged.

  • All submissions should be the final version. Under no circumstances will substitutions of either corrected pages or new drafts of the entry script(s) be accepted.

  • Submitted scripts will not be returned.

  • Multiple entries from the same submitter are accepted. Each submission must include its own entry and must include a separate file and separate entry fee.


  • All script entries must be in PDF format and follow standard industry screenplay requirements (e.g. font, and margin).

  • A complete entry should include all required materials listed in the Submission Details section.

  • The recommended length for a Narrative Feature script is 60-150 pages, TV Pilot script is 30- 90 pages, and Short Film script is under 60 pages.

  • Only the TITLE of the screenplay should appear on the front cover page. Please DO NOT include the author's name, contact information, or any other personally identifying information on any page of the script (including the cover page) in order to preserve anonymity in the judging process.


Entries will be evaluated by at least 2 judges, and screened through multiple rounds of review. Winners and finalists will be contacted through our official email ( The winner will be announced at the event Summit. The LACFFSC judge committee will evaluate and score the submissions mainly focusing on the following criteria: i) Story, ii) Characters, iii) Structure, iv) Theme, v) Dialogue, vi) Originality, vii) Demonstration of Chinese elements. The judging committee reserves the right not to issue awards if in their opinion none of the submissions received is of sufficient merit. Scripts that have multiple authors will be considered as one award recipient; the monetary prize will be only given ONE SET to the recipient. The submitter is solely responsible for the split. Winners receiving cash prizes are solely responsible for payment of all applicable local, state, and federal taxes.


By entering the competition, the applicant represents and affirms that the entry is an original creative work, and does not infringe, misappropriate or violate the copyright, trademark or other intellectual rights of any third party. The story must be original and fully owned by the applicant(s). Adaptations are ineligible (including unpublished, unproduced work) unless the underlying rights are owned by the applicant or the work is in the public domain and the applicant has retained all film and television rights to such work. Scripts that are adaptations of the applicant’s original work, or scripts based on a true story, must be noted in the logline. The script must NOT have been currently optioned, purchased, or produced at the time of submission. Submission is deemed ineligible if the submitted script is purchased or optioned during the competition period. Entry must be submitted by the writer(s) of such work. The entry that has multiple authors/owners must obtain consent from all authors/owners, and indicate all authors/owners in the application form. It is strongly recommended that original material be registered with the WGA or the US Copyright Office or your local intellectual property and copyrights authorities before submitting to any competition. However, we do not require registrations. All ownership and rights to the scripts submitted to this contest remain with the original rights holders until or unless otherwise agreed upon by the original rights holders and LACFFSC.


By submitting the project, you have read and agree to the following terms and conditions:

That the information supplied in this application is accurate and that the material submitted is my (our) sole and original work.

To my (our) agreement to hold the LACFFSC, its subsidiaries and partners, and every one of their respective members, directors, employees, and representatives harmless from, and defend them against, all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, judgments, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with any stories submitted to the LACFFSC or any screenplay developed out of such stories.

That LACFFSC and its subsidiaries may retain the material submitted for internal educational, showcase, and training purposes, to which I (we) expressly grant to LACFFSC the non-exclusive license to use the submitted material and waive compensation.

That the burden of obtaining copyright or otherwise protecting any proprietary interests in the material, if I (we) wish to do so, rests entirely with me (us).

That I am (we are) eligible for the competition, and that I (we) will notify LACFFSC if I (we) become ineligible as early as possible prior to the conclusion of the competition.

That providing false or misleading information on the submission(s), or failing to comply with the rules of the competition, will subject me (us) to disqualification, forfeiture of prize money and/or other penalties.

That I (we) grant the consent of LACFFSC’s use of my (our) identification on LACFFSC social media pages for the purpose of promoting the scripts without obtaining further permission from me (us).

That I (we) agree to receive emails from LACFFSC and its subsidiaries and partners. Emails can be unsubscribed at any time.

That I (we) authorize LACFFSC to use any trusted third-party online and cloud-based services and databases for hosting, managing, and/or transmitting my (our) submission file(s).