NexTV Writing & Pitch Competition
Winner's panel includes:
- - Tayanna Todd - Lionsgate (Dir. of Inclusive Content)
- - Nick Beldoch - IAG (Lit Agent, feature films)
- - Alec Frankel - IAG (Lit Agent, Books/IP)
- - Joe Arciniega - Innovative Artists (Lit Agent, film/TV)
- - Dannah Axelrod - HopeTown Entertainment (Head of Development)
- - Dan Bree - TV Showrunner (Netflix, History, Nat Geo)
- - David McKenna - Writer/Producer/Showrunner (American History X, Blow, SWAT)
WELCOME to another NexTV Writing & Pitch Competition. We have created this competition to be a direct pipeline to studio execs, agents and producers. For that reason, submissions will be judged for the quality of writing, but also for their viability in the film and television marketplace. The winning submission will be reviewed by our extraordinary Winner's Panel giving submitters a chance at getting their work to Agents, Studio Execs, Production Companies and Producers. Please note that along with Screenplays and Pilots, this year we have added a “Pitch Video” Category and, due to the demand for IP, a Short Story Category as well. Best of luck to you!
This competition is run by long-time industry veterans with deep relationships at agencies and production companies.
- - SIGNED by top agents at CAA, IAG, ICM, Innovative Artists, Larchmont Lit and others.
- - STAFFED on television series at CBS, HBO, Hulu, BET, Amazon.
- - SOLD their submissions as specs to both indie and studio buyers.
- - MET with execs from HBO Max, Freeform, Comedy Central, Harpo/Own, Lionsgate, Bad Robot, Fox TV Studios, Fox 21, Facebook Watch and others.
- All category winners will be announced in a press release that will be delivered to the personal email boxes of over 250 of the top executives in Hollywood.
- - Winners will be given access (no option required) to Level 4 Press library of IP.
- - A chance to adapt a Level 4 book/novel with a Level 4 Management personnel overseeing the process.
- - Mentorship on creating & crafting your script.
- - Script Sales & Career Strategy instruction.
- - Pitch deck & high-end marketing collateral created for any adapted project.
At the program's request, Coverfly will automatically remove your title page for you if you include one when submitting to this program.
Submissions will be reviewed using the following criteria:a) Quality
b) Viability in today’s actual film/TV marketplace?
"PITCH DECK / PITCH DOC" Category Rules:
1. All pitch decks must be submitted as PDFs
2. All pitch decks must include the following:
- Logline
- Short synopsis
- Description of the World
- Character Descriptions (usually 4-6 characters are enough)
- Pilot Story Synopsis
- Series Overview
- Plot Summary
1. All Videos must be submitted as a LINK in the body of a PDF.
2. Videos can be trailers, teasers, sizzle reels or other videos specifically created to "sell" a film or TV series.
3. You may include other information on the PDF (visuals, photos, logline, etc..) , but WE WILL ONLY JUDGE THE VIDEO for this category.
"SHORT STORIES" Category Rules:
1. All short stories must be submitted as PDFs.
2. Short Stories will be judged based on QUALITY OF WRITING, and based on HOW ATTRACTIVE THE STORY IS FOR FILM/TV ADAPTATION.
GENERAL RULES for all categories:
- - Written material must be submitted as a PDF document.
- - All submitted material must be the original work of the writer(s).
- - All submitted material must be in English. We accept material from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. (If Video submission is NOT in English, we require subtitles or dubbing).
- - If it is based on a true story or another work, it should be noted on the title page (and appropriate rights must be attained by writer, if necessary).
- - Multiple Writers/Creators are allowed, but, all must be listed.
- - Multiple entries from the same Writer/Creator are accepted, but each must have its own Entry Form & Fee.
- - Entry Fees are non-refundable. No refunds will be issued for any reason.
- - Contest applicants must accept without reservations the decisions rendered by the competition.
- - If you become a Finalist, you will be contacted to provide a close-up photo. These may be displayed with your project title on our site and on all press materials and releases.
- All writers/submitters will retain 100% ownership over their submitted material they submit.